From: "William F Delaney" 
Subject: Re: [PKD] PKD sites in San Francisco //TTOTA Chap 10
Date: Sat, 18 May 2002 10:00:05 -0700

-----Original Message-----
From: Carey Wilson 
Date: Friday, May 17, 2002 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [PKD] PKD sites in San Francisco

>--- Patrick Clark  wrote:
>> Andre is in SF and wonders if anyone knows any PKD-related sites in the
city. I suggested Point
>Reyes but that's the only one I could think of off the top of my head.
Anyone else have some
>Point Reyes is actually quite a long way out of San Francisco, up the Coast
Highway [Hwy 1] about
>an hour of more's drive. HIs best bet might to get a copy of The Man in the
High Castle,
>Confessions of a Crap Artist, Radio Free Albemuth or the Divine Invasion
and perhaps Game-Players
>of Titan and Eye in the Sky and use them as guides to the Bay Area.

Two other books with alot of Bay Area references are Dr Bloodmoney and

The PKD I first read was TSOPE from a friend's scifi book club about 68. It
twisted my head but I didnt note the author.  in 73 I entered UC Berkeley
and was browsing a used bookstore (the name slips me but it is still a good
one on Solano Avenue across from Andronicos just north of the north Berkeley
tunnel as one travels north on Shattuck Ave,  I bought it for $1 -- my first
owned PKD -- because the opening line is the same walk I used to take to
work at the US Forest Service Experimental Station in downtown Berkeley.
Years later when I read Sutin and was learning about PKD the person I was to
learn that his mother worked there at the same time that I did while an

Skipping ahead to TTOBTA Chapter 10 page 165; the paragraph beginning "The
house," is a virtual tour of Berkeley.  The Coop on University Ave is gone
but the Coop on Shattuck Ave is now Andronicos and is right across the
street from Black Oak Books and Chez Panisse (Alice Water's famous
restaurant) and the original Peets Coffee are nearby.  The "Avenue" is
Telegraph on the south of the UC Campus and is the local human zoo/street
market.  Cafe Med across from Cody's Books is ancient to the days of the
Beats and the first place I ever drank expresso.  Larry Blake's is on
Telegraph as well and one can get good food, brews, and hear good blues in
the basement Rathskeller.  Some good bookstores on Telegraph are Codys,
Moes, and Shamabala.
Shamabala is a metaphysical bookstore with a PKD shelf (new Vintage
editions).  One may find some good collectibles at Moes or Black Oak.
Tilden Park is basically the ridgelines behind and above Berkeley. Drive up
Strawberry Canyon above the Cal Stadium -- stop at the UC Botanical Garden
and parking lot of Lawrence Hall of Science for one of the best views of the
Bay Area on the way to Tilden.  On the campus the Oxford eucalyptus grove is
just across from Mulford Hall (forestry building) and when I was an
undergrad we would have forestry club keggers there.  Ther library refers to
Doe Library which has had a major reconstruction in the past several years.
One thing that is new is that the nearby Moffitt Undergraduate Library has a
"Free Speech" Cafe with a decor that memorializes those heady days of the
