From: "Andrew M Butler"To: Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 09:50:32 +0100 Subject: Re: [PKD] TTOTA: Ch 1-2 An email I sent yesterday ("all my troubles seemed so far away...") doesn't seem to have come through. Here's an expanded version of what I said. Paul Williams tells a story of how Phil had explained the opening of Bishop Timothy Archer (as it then was) and Williams pointed out the continuity error - it's a helluva long time between the era of Pike and 1980. Does the novel account for this time? Various characters date deaths or marriage breakdowns by record releases, such as Rubber Soul. When was that? In 1965-6, Pike and his son Jim spent six months on sabbatical in Cambridge, England, researching the Dead Sea Scrolls and aiding the church in Africa. Pike returned to America separately from his son, whom he never saw alive again: alone in New York, Jim committed suicide. On Pike’s next visit to Cambridge, with his mistress Maren Bergrud, Jim appeared to be making some sort of psychic contact: he moved postcards around and burned some of Maren’s hair. Pike went to several mediums, both in Britain and back in the United States, and through them contacted what he assumed to be his son. Such behaviour did not help Pike’s reputation; he was already being tried for heresy. Although he was ultimately cleared, Pike felt unable to continue his bishopric and joined an interfaith foundation in Santa Barbara and, continuing his interest in the Dead Sea Scrolls, went to Israel, where he died in the desert in September 1969. Dick knew and respected Pike, presumably from around the time of his conversion to Episcopalian Christianity and afterwards, whilst being married to Anne Rubenstein. In fact it was he who introduced Pike to Maren, who was the step-mother of his fourth wife, Nancy Hackett. In Counter-Clock World, Pike plays a minor role: [T]he Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of California, James Pike, had been arranging to have jazz masses performed at Grace Cathedral. . . . A former lawyer, active in the ACLU, one of the most brilliant and radical clerical figures of his time, he had become involved in what had become called “social action,” the issues of the day: in particular Negro rights. He had for instance been at Selma with Dr. Martin Luther King (CCW. 4: 42). Dick links King and Pike again in the Appendix to VALIS: “In the first century C.E. she [the Sibyl of Cumae] foresaw the murders of the Kennedy brothers, Dr. King and Bishop Pike. . . . they stood in defense of the liberties of the Republic; . . . each man was a religious leader” (V. A: 230). Dick’s own friendship with Pike is discussed briefly in the body of the book: Fat had known [Bishop] Jim Pike, a fact he always proudly narrated to people given a pretext. . . . “Jim and his wife had driven out onto the Dead Sea Desert in a Ford Cortina. They had two bottles of coca cola with them; that’s all.” . . . For years Fat had brooded about Jim Pike’s death. He imagined that it was somehow tied in with the murders of the Kennedys and Dr. King, but he had no evidence whatsoever for it (V. 5: 76). As indicated by the foreword to A Maze of Death, Dick and Pike had had theological discussions together, and presumably they must have also talked about the paranormal events experienced by Pike. In October 1966, Dick attended and took notes at a seance with Nancy and Maren. This sitting, where it seemed that Jim appeared, formed the inspiration for the seance scene in The Transmigration of Timothy Archer (TTA. 9: 148 - 10: 158). Cheers Andrew M. Butler Recruitment Secretary Science Foundation / Features Editor Vector "When there is no hope there are only principles to follow." Webpage at