CE - Intro

CE v1.2 User Guide

1.0 Introduction

    Welcome to CE.  This editor was written with one goal in mind, and that was
    to be very very easy to use.  I think I have achieved this goal, and it is
    hoped that you will be able to use this editor like an expert within
    ten minutes of its first use.

2.0 Getting Started

    There are two ways to start CE, the first is to just type its name, and the
    second is to type its name as well as a file name, like so:

    ce assignment1.c

    If the file assignment1.c exists, it will be loaded into the editor, if
    not, the editor will come up as if you had typed no name.
    For a quick reference of all commands in CE, just type ESC then h.

3.0 Command line options

    There are several command line options that will change the behavior of ce
    they are:

    -w           Toggle wordwrap on or off
    -m           Toggle mini-menu on or off
    -s           Toggle scrollmode
    -h Tell CE to load in an alternate helpfile.
    -keyset      Force CE to create a keymapping for your terminal.

4.0 Block operations

    The following operations apply only while you are marking a block.

        Pressing TAB will shift the block TABSIZE spaces to the right.

        Pressing RTAB will shift the block TABSIZE spaces to the left.

        Pressing Control E will erase X characters from the beginning of each
            marked line.

        Pressing Control Z will left justify the block
        Pressing Control X will center the block
        Pressing Control C will right justify the block

    The following operations apply to blocks that are marked, or being marked.

        Pressing Control N will delete the marked lines, this action will end

5.0 Quick Reference


    ESC 1 or F1        Save and exit
    ESC 2 or F2        Save and resume editing
    ESC 4 or F4        Exit and do not save file


    Control F (PgUp)   Page forward through file (beeps on last page)
    Control B (PgDown) Page backward through file (beeps on first page)
    Control G          Goto a line
    Control Z (Home)   Move cursor to beginning of line
    Control X          Move cursor to middle of line
    Control C (End)    Move cursor to end of line


    Control P          Insert a blank line at current location
    Control K          Insert many blank lines at current location
    Control A          Insert the last line deleted at current location


    Control D          Delete current line
    Control N          Delete marked text
    Control W (DEL)    Erase character under cursor
    Control E          Erase many characters


    ESC 9 or F9        Begin block marking
    ESC 0 or F10       Clear block markings
    ESC - or F11       Copy block to current location
    ESC = or F12       Move block to current location


    Control R          Search for text
    Control T (Insert) Toggle between insert and overwrite mode
    Control Y          Read a file into text at current location
    Control U          Join current line and next together
    Control O          Set left column and set tab size
    Control L          Re-draw screen
    Control V          Show vital statistics about current file
    ESC m              Toggle Mini menu on or off
    ESC h              Help
    ESC s              Save current CE settings
    ESC k              Create a personalized keymap file
    ESC 6 or F6        Save file and execute shell escape #1
    ESC 7 or F7        Save file and execute shell escape #2

6.0 Personal settings

    CE will read in the file $HOME/.ce/cerc upon invocation.  This file looks

    # 0 means off, 1 means on.

    # shell1 and shell 2 define what actions will happen on pressing of F6/7
    # The first %s will be filename, while the second will be the filename
    # without the .* extension

    insert_mode  0 # Default to overwrite mode
    tab_space    4 # Default tab spacing of 4
    left_margin  1 # Default left margin column 1
    word_wrap    1 # Default is to do wordwrap
    no_bak_files 0 # Default is to create .bak files
    mini_help    0 # Default is to not have mini-help
    shell1       "spell %s"
    shell2       "cc %s -lm -o %s -O"

    By creating this file, you can change your personal defaults to any
    of the above options.  If the file does not exist, the above defaults
    will take force.

7.0 Misc

    When CE reads in a file, it converts all tabs to spaces!
    When you press Control O the left column it displays defaults to the column
         your cursor is in, to make editing columns easier.
    When you press Control E for the first time it will default to 90
         characters, which in effect will blast everything from the current
         position to the end of the line.  So you can use this is a DEL to end
         of line function.

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